Help yourself : Just do stuff!
This site is for information, inspiration and motivation.
Some extreme DIY and woodworking plus much more, complete with how to guide, plans and explanations so you can get the confidence to do stuff yourself.
It's also where you can find all the information on our Whitby Holiday Cottage restoration, But for the very latest have a look at the Whitby Cottage Blog Posts.
I hope it helps you to help yourself.
Philosophy of DIY: Doing stuff for yourself is self help of the most basic kind. Improving your own surroundings and life without reliance on others. It's akin to personal development of the mind and body, using: goal setting, visualisation, motivation and lateral and positive thinking as well as physical skills. Self help of this kind will give you lasting results and develop skills you can apply in other fields.... its easy just do stuff!
Current stuff
After finishing the cottage renovation we hava started marketing it as a holiday cottage. The web site is on the new .org iDoStuff domain. We'll see how it goes!
Topical Tips - Keeping warm this winter

We think so but not because it saves us money. Is it more about lifestyle and feeling good?
(Look at expenditure and and see what value it buys or invests: happiness, comfort, contentment, security ?)
Unblock a frozen drain pipe or Combi boiler drain
Before you panic about having to find a plumber try this tip to unblock frozen waste pipes from sinks, baths, showers, washing machines or dish washers. If your boiler has stopped working when it's freezing outside it could be the condensate drain that is blocked, this tip could help you out.
DIY stuff - guides, plans and ideas
Making a front door, a step by step, how to guide
Plan it and do it with the tools you have. (Spending some time and thought instead of more money e.g. using standard router bits to cut raised panels and bespoke mouldings)
Beginners guide to buying and preparing timber
A starting point to set you on the right path for many projects (The easiest stuff to buy isn't always the best! includes the PSE timber sizes)
Repairing Timber Windows
Replacing rotten parts, fixing problems, how to use putty for re-glazing and painting, all to extend the life of traditional timber windows.
Hewing a Beam using Froe, Axe and Adze
From tree felling to the finished beam all with handtools, apart from the chainsaw
Rebuilding a brick arch in fireplace
A job often needed when a blocked up fireplace is opened up to fit a stove.
Repointing old Brickwork - replacing all the mortar if neccessary
You can rebuild a wall without knocking it down!
Installing Flexible Flue Liner
Starting with the parts, cost and then a full "how to install flue liner" including video.
Some of this is little controversial, so I'm trying to get the bottom of what is actually required and not just what gets repeated around the internet.
Repairing a Pantile roof from the inside
How to Fix a Rotten Beam or Joist End
Part 1. compares some common techniques, Part 2. How I made the repairs
Planer Thicknesser Review
Critical and honest appraisal (Do I really need a racehorse when a donkey will do)
Fitting Salvaged Victorian Cast Iron Railings
Salvaging an object and possibly a skill from the past
Two Wheel Tractor - fun Intermediate Technology
Trike build and design V the Wooden Motorcycle
Hand Hewing a Tree to a Beam
Retrofitting a structural beam and column
PRO stuff - For an income
I have some insights and knowledge. You might use tools I've designed, seen images I've created, read manuals I've written.
I work very closely with a variety of companies, my take on their products or services are here.
Cherry Pickers (MEWPS) for working at height access.
Rotational Moulding Hydraulic Tank Design
Property Stuff - Investment in High Standards
Earning time by making an effort investing away from the herd. After 14 years as a Landlord, I've a formula that works for me and my tenants. Not the kind off stuff you see on telly but practical knowledge of how and why stuff needs doing to make the best investment of the time and effort put in.
Whitby Cottage, Renovation / Restoration For a Holiday Let Business
Fighting The West Bromwich Mortgage Tracker Rate Hike
Images to illustrate loss of faith in finacial institutions
Digital Marketing stuff
Quick note on Companies House Email Scam / virus FW: Case FDR....
Find out how I'm learning
Marketing moves on and I've got to keep up with the times. From the days of acetates and booking typesetting, I've not been far behind the latest technology. With the IDoStuff project I'm learning new stuff. A self help trip from novice to expert (eventually).
Self Help / Self Improvement stuff
Thoughts on self improvement and personal development
Some years ago something said made be think about how I approach the stuff I do and how I live my life. This field of self help, mindsets, law of attraction, visualization etc. can get a bit wacky and I like to think I'm a bit of a "down to earth" sceptical Northerner.
iI'll try and make some sense of my thoughts on self help.
Random Stuff
More about our woodland over on the blog. So far a bit of background and digging ditches.
Is a Wood Burning Stove worth it?
We think so but not because it saves us money. Is it more about lifestyle and feeling good?
(Look at expenditure and and see what value it buys or invests: happiness, comfort, contentment, security)
Helping to save our local pub from being taken over as a Co-op store. more here